
Monday, March 4, 2019

Microsoft Corporation Case Analysis Essay

Industry Evaluation computer package is an integral part of straighta guidances uncertain economy, as the push for majusculeer globalization and faculty drives a good deal of the sp windup in business grocerys around the world. In localise to maintain a emulous edge in an increasingly competitive global grocery store, companies be spending more and more on ironw ar and computer software infrastructures (YahooFinance, 2006).Microsoft is among 413 companies that produce and distri hardlye masking software harvest-tides and services. These companies are every part of the Application Software attention within the applied science sector, which is dominated by one software giant Microsoft. More item eithery, Microsoft is categorized into the arrivemental Tools, run(a) Systems, and Utility Software sub pains, which embarrasss companies that design, develop, market, and assist software for create, testing, and debugging lotions for computer charge and for desktop vigilance (Hooers.com, 2006).Microsoft, Oracle Corp, CA Inc., and SAP Aktiengesellschaft, with a four-firm closeness ratio of 39% dominate the assiduity. Most of the other 411 firms in the industry specialize in sm every last(predicate)er niches, providing specialized software services such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as accounting, business focusing, etcetera, and bedevil profits under $1 one one thousand million million per course. For this reason, the computer application industry has monopolistic competition (MSN Money, 2006).The top-selling software phoner is soon Microsoft, with $41.4 one million million million in sales in 2005, and is joined in the competitive arena by other top sellers such as Oracle Corp. with $12.9 billion and SAP Aktiengesellschaft with $10.4 billion. Other industry transmiters in sales include CA Inc., Intuit Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., B.M.C. Software, Compuware Corp., and Novell Inc., each experiencing revenues special $1 bil lion during 2005. Within the Developmental Tools, Operating Systems, and Utility Software subindustry, top competitors include Microsoft, International Business Machines (IBM), SAP Aktiengesellschaft, and Computer Associates International, who graded a measureive counterbalance, second, one-third, and fourth in application software sales (YahooFinance, 2006).The Computer Software industry is boastfully dominated by Microsoft, which commands 54% of market sales among its top ten competitors, as listed above. The fol humbleing graph details the market share of these ten main players in the industry (YahooFinance, 2006)Within the effective environment, the software industry has been shaken byseveral(prenominal) young regulations that are revitalizing industries within the business market of the linked States. Among them are the US Patriot Act, which dictates that companies providing financial services mustiness deliver the ability to detect the occurrence of money laundering the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which mandates that companies provide real-time disclosure of events that energy affect their financial performance and deep records of crystallisemail and instant messages exchanged amid employees (YahooFinance, 2006). Finally, antitrust laws feature been an ongoing flagellum to the industry. Microsoft has finally acquireed a settlement after an ongoing antitrust investigation, and concord to al moo for manufacturers to include competing software with Windows and uniformly license its operating dodgings (Antitrust berth Filings, 2006).New technological adjoins are revitalizing the software industry. The most recent and signifi toleratet education includes a sensitive set of web-friendly applications that, as of yet, has no official name. These web services outhouse be assembled from standardized create blocks, meaning that any(prenominal)(prenominal) number of applications may be assembled in a variety of musical modes. Beca enforce of t his, companies are capable to develop green light applications to run on a wide reaching of software and hardware infrastructures and bring home the bacon to the limited hires of their respective market members. The companies that exit maintain market share in the up-and-coming web era are those that are able to develop products that allow be compatible on a wide range of hardware platforms.Massive consolidations have recently become characteristic of the software industry. Largely due to acquisitions, IBMs software holdings have grown a great deal. Small specialists companies face the greatest danger from large software providers such as Oracle, who recently acquired PeopleSoft and Siebel for $10.3 and $5.9 billion, respectively. If egression slows in their subindustries, these thin companies who cater to specific niches become vulnerable to large companies oblation extensive suites of enterprise applications that serve a variety of functions such as the industry leaders (YahooFinance, 2006).Following suit after other mature industries such as electronics and apparel,a large number of IT and software providers have begun outsourcing much of their manufacturing and R&D functions to countries outside of the United States. Software companies are now able to hire manufacturers and product developers in countries such as India, Mexico, and China for much less than it would cost in the U.S. (MSN Money, 2006)The tragedy of the September 11 terrorist attacks as well as other post 9/11 attacks prompted other significant trend in the software industry when the United States giving medication cranked down on security. By restructuring their communication systems, they airfoiled a adit to struggling software providers who began to provide new, more secure applications to goernmental departments and agencies (YahooFinance, 2006)A final trend deliberates the popularity of Linux and other open- inception code operating systems. epoch the Linux operating syst em is probably the most wide known and widely apply open quotation code, the idea of open source is gaining impetus and popularity. Companies that provide their products for a nominal subscription fee and generate income based on gearing and reliever services have adopted the open source model as a counter-intuitive business model, with which they counter the more conventional selling of products for profit model (Hill and Jones, 2005).Once online collaboration and word touch applications are all-encompassingy developed and grow in usage and popularity, the researchers forebode that the software industry impart search a rise in sales of those kinds of products, and possibly a decline in the sale of PC compatible product that serve the same types of functions. The reason for this is that once these tools are available, consumers will realize that they may access and edit their documents or projects from any computer or PDA with internet access, without having to worry abo ut be on the specific machine or machines that contain the documents they need.Currently, almost all users of open source software are computer-savvy programming professionals. In the next however, more consumers will use this type of software for business and own(prenominal) use. This is forecasted by agrowing number of applications developed from open source codes such as Linux, as well as increasing popularity of these programs. If this comes to pass, on that pointfore Linux and other open source applications and operating systems may accumulate market share, thus depriving it from Microsoft and Oracle.Strategic EvaluationMicrosoft supports a number of values that study into goals that the caller strives to attain. These goals include doing business with honesty and integrity to have affectionateness for customers, partners, and technology to be open and respectful, to take on big challenges and see done them constructive self-criticism, self- melioratement, and personal excellence to dish up foster growing and innovation, and to be responsible to customers, shareholders, partners, and employees for commitments, results, and quality. These goals, however, are immeasurable, intangible, and unspecific. thither is no timeline for achieving them, and no behavior to determine whether or non they have been acheived.There are, however, more specific goals that the company hopes to attain that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and tangible. Goals for the future include making technology available to one quarter of a billion hoi polloi by 2010. some other goal is to fuse together Windows development and Web development to enrich Windows applications (Stu, 2003).By doing this, Microsoft may be able to convince consumes to use the rich application features of Windows. other goal is to unify the disparate Windows communication theory and enterprise technologies into a common and simple framework that is competitive with coffee tree Ent erprise Edition. Microsoft needs to provide an substitute(a) to this model unless it wants to see coffee retain its lock on the legion software market. This goal is consistant with Microsofts approach of taking the lead in developing a new computing standard. (Microsoft, 2006)The committal dictation of Microsoft spate isAt Microsoft, we work to help sight and businesses through and throughout the worldrealize their expert potential. This is our mission. Everything we do reflects this mission and the values that flummox it possible.- Microsoft, 2006The mission statement is clear in representing Microsoft as dedicated in providing the best products to help its customers achieve and realize their full potential. The mission statement is strong, and is very personable by expression At Microsoft, and repeating that this is Microsofts mission statement. The statement repeats itself in the third sentence, saying, everything we do reflects helping everyone in the world understand h is or her full potential. Using words to repeat parts of the mission statement makes it bolder to the reader.The statement is broad enough to allow the company to expand into unacquainted(predicate) markets or businesses, or both. However, it is narrow enough that it focuses the company on aiding people in reaching their fullest potential. By adhering to this mission statement, employees at Microsoft look to the customers, non the shareholders, as the reason the company exists. It is clear to express that the company does not exist solely to make a profits or enjoy shareholders. It reflects the desire of the management at Microsoft to make a difference in the world and help those who wish to succeeder do so.Functional look backwardMarketing AnalysisMicrosoft focuses on the development of software, which includes products such as Office, Project, Visio, FoxPro, and more. The software packages aide in the creation of business documents, databases, and projects, as well as helps c onsumers manage their day-to-day lives.Microsoft has seven different product divisions Client, server and Tools, instruction Worker, Microsoft Business Solution, MSN, Mobile and Embedded Devices, and Home and Entertainment (Microsoft, 2006). The Client segment has responsibility for engineering, product delivery, and expert architecture for the Windows product family. It also handles Microsofts alliances with personal computer manufacturers, including multinational and regional original equipment manufacturer accounts (SEC, 2006). Server and Tools is responsible for the server system products and all related services. These services include providing advice for requirements unavoidable for the system to operate properly, custom solution services, and business application planning for the operating systems. schooling Worker involves licensing software to several types of users such as small to large corporations, homes, and specialized categories like students. This division rele ases a major change in software every two to triplet historic period. Microsoft Business Solutions deals primarily with developing and marketing offerings to manage financial, customer relationship and supply chain management functions for small and midsize businesses, large organizations and divisions of global enterprises. MSN is accountable for delivering online services that look to empower users by bringing them to the people and information that matter most. The Mobile and Embedded Devices section is responsible for the marketing and development of products that extend the advantages of the Windows platform to more types of devices. The Home and Entertainment segment is in charge of production, development, and marketing for the Xbox video romp system (SEC, 2006).Another way Microsoft is continuing to broaden their customer base is by establishing itself into the gaming industry. An cause of this is the innovative Xbox 360 Microsoft launched during the 2005 Christmas seas on. Microsoft has begun to explore new markets, like television, with the rising success of the Xbox 360 and the changing demographics. Microsoft realizes that demographics are changing to a younger generation and efforts must be made to accommodate their needs as well. (Wikipedia, 2006)In the past, Microsofts drive market has been men of the ages of eighteen through thirty-four. The company is really expanding the market it targets by experimenting with two methods of reaching the seventeen and younger age group. The first is through the gaming industry, with the release of the Xbox gaming system. The company is also developing a television visualise to reach this age group (Goo, 2006). Another strategy Microsoft is pursuing involves meeting its global clientele where they arein terms of their economic and financial needs (Evers, 2006). These changes in strategy and products reflect Microsofts goal of expanding its target market. While there is risk multiform with these change s, there is also the potential for returns above a normal profit.Another way Microsoft is continuing to broaden their customer base is by establishing itself into the gaming industry. An example of this is the innovative Xbox 360 Microsoft launched during the 2005 Christmas season. Microsoft has begun to explore new markets, like television, with the rising success of the Xbox 360 and the changing demographics. Microsoft realizes that demographics are changing to a younger generation and efforts must be made to accommodate their needs as well. (Wikipedia, 2006)Microsoft has established a presence in the international market. The headquarters, including most of the research and development centers, is located in Redmond, Washington. The company has several manufacturing facilities to meet supply needs on a global scale. These facilities are located in various places such as Dublin, Ireland, Humacao, Puerto Rico, Reno, Nevada and Singapore just to name a few locations. Microsoft soo n employees 40,081 in North America and 63,564 world-wide to help them meet growing demand for their products (Microsoft, 2006).Microsoft uses a wide variety of media to influence the demand of their products. Traditional types of advertise are used for global campaigns including television, print, and Internet (Microsoft.com, 2006). The company uses computer magazines to canvass companies or products such as the case of Linux versus Microsoft. Microsofts goal is to reach a certain target market. In addition, Microsoft is implementing a new ad campaign using the Internet in competition with Yahoo and Google. In the campaign, customers will be asked to fill out a survey from there the data will be used to display personal ads of fire to the consumer. If a consumer chooses not to fill out the survey the company will provide them with general ads that are generated from the search. The goal in the long-run is to film the customers want and needs for future purchases (Oser, 2006).T he manufacturing function for most of Microsofts products is outsourced. A vendor supplies the parts needed to assemble the Xbox gaming system. This outsourcing strategy can be a drawback on two counts. Firstly, Microsoft relinquishes some control of the determine of this product because it cannot control the manufacturing cost. Secondly, there is a threat of the manufacturer leaking product knowledge to Microsofts competitors. At the same time however, Microsoft has no legal obligation to the manufacturer, and can manufacture these products internally. Microsoft employs several vendors to supply parts that Microsoft manufactures. These components are purchased at a discount rate, and Microsoft keeps excess pedigree in blood in case of shortages (Microsoft, 2006).The company has decided to do an 18 calendar month campaign to advertise the differences between Microsoft and Linux giving the benefits of using our products. Some advantages to Microsofts products include being user-fr iendly software and applications, as well as having a strong reputation in that area. Therefore, the cost would be greater to retrained employee how to use Linux software in the business industry for server application use.In dealing with more recent security issues, Microsoft Internet venturer (IE) has a code-flaw in the browser that makes it vulnerable to hackers. This flaw can allow hackers to infect a system with various code-scripts, which puts the system under attack. To have security issues associated with the companys name can produce a bad reputation. Microsofts goals are to have compassion for customers, for partners, and technology. The company wants to train and make technology available to a quarter of the billion people in the world by 2010. In addition, Microsoft trys passion towards customers by offering specialized advertisements to expose the varied selection of products to the consumer. Another goal is to disclose openness and respectfulness, which will gain a h uge amount of respect from the consumer.This is achieved by receiving feedback from our employees, government agencies, and community leaders which will lead to reform Microsofts business. Microsoft is staying on task of taking on large challenges by endeavoring to change their demographics of customers. In addition, thecompany takes constructive criticism, and uses this as a way to improve criticism in forms of comments and suggestions. Microsoft will accomplish this task through research and development and feedback. Other goals are to give personal excellence, and have accountability to customers, shareholders, partners, and employees for commitments, results, and quality. These achievable tasks would help Microsoft stay in the business for socio-economic classs to come (Microsoft, 2006).Production AnalysisMicrosoft alters its products to me needs of its global customers. The company translates the textual matter and changes the appearance of its applications to make them und erstandable in that language. This is one reason Microsoft has a reputation for being developing user-friendly applications for its consumers. Other tasks the company is involve with include processing orders, payment options, processing needed information, and supplier management (Microsoft.com, 2006). These tasks are essential to maintaining good relations with Microsofts customers and suppliers. In addition, these tasks make it possible to make necessary changes when there are problems in statistical distribution or manufacturing of Microsofts software.Microsoft outsources all of its manufacturing function except for a few, including the assemblage of the Xbox 360. A vendor supplies the needed parts for this product. This action can be a drawback because it limits Microsoft in its ability to control pricing aspects of this product. There is also the threat that suppliers will share the knowledge of this product with Microsofts competitors. Although this is a threat, Microsoft i s under the no legal obligation to continue working with that supplier. several(prenominal) vendors supply parts for all other products Microsoft assembles. Components for these products are purchased at a discount. Microsoft keeps an inventory of spare parts on hand if needed (Microsoft, 2006). perplexity AnalysisBill gate and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975, and in a few divisions, theyexpanded to Bellevue, Washington from Albuquerque, New Mexico. From there, Microsoft began creating and developing new and radical technology. In 1981, IBM introduced its personal computer with Microsofts 16-bit operating system, MS-DOS 1.0 (Microsoft, 2006). Because of its quality, this operating system became popular. Microsofts tenor went public. all over the next twenty course of instructions, Microsoft created more technical and versatile operating systems such as Windows 95, 98, and the current Windows XP.This success has lead to worldwide expansion creating thousands of jobs. Micros oft is the worlds largest software company with over 50,000 employees in various countries as of May 2004 (Microsoft, 2006). Microsoft has become a needed portion of the personal computing market in which many PC retailers have sold their machines pre-equipped with Microsofts software.Because of its large and substantial business, Microsoft was found to be a monopoly among computer software and because of this, Microsoft has experience financial success. In 1998, a lawsuit found that Microsoft was using its monopoly power to defeat its competitors (Reference.com, 2006). Microsoft appealed and showed how changing their companys operations would bring the financial success down increasingly.A board of containors, who play a major role in decision-making and many fundamentals of the company, run Microsoft. The Chief Executive Officer is Steven Ballmer who joined with Microsoft in 1980 and was the first business manager hired by Bill Gates (Microsoft, 2006). In 1998, Ballmer was appoin ted President and this gave him full responsibility for running the corporation. 2 courses later, he became CEO (in 2000) and this gave him full privilege over all the managers and staff of Microsoft.Following Ballmer is James I. Cash, Jr, Dina Dublon, Bill Gates, Raymond V. Gilmartin, Ann McLaughlin Korologos, David F. Margaurdt, Charles H. Noski, Helmut Panke and Jon A. Shirley. A lot of gift and skill is required to work in any position at Microsoft. They seek out motivated individuals who are experienced in communications and leadership. The purpose for finding such trained individuals is to lower training costs of the company.The Corporate Operations is Microsofts backbone, constructing, managing, and running the various services that support the companys 50,000 employees (Microsoft, 2006). This statement shows that Microsoft is dependent on two sections of their management staff the corporate and administrative services. These departments are responsible for management, publ ic relations, providing company-wide administrative support, building new office space, and other tasks.Financial AnalysisMicrosoft locoweed has achieved excellence in since 1975 in the application software industry. They finished the 2005 pecuniary year with a market capitalization of $288.20 billion, doubling the closest competitor, IBM which came in second in market capitalization with $131.00 billion, and an industry mediocre of a low $136.51 million (Hoovers, 2006).Microsoft Corporation has been enjoying a steady growth in revenue over the past three pecuniary years. This has been achieved with the growing popularity of PC use in the world over this time period. Microsofts antecedent estimates showed a growth of worldwide PC shipments from 11% to 13%, and issue forth server hardware shipments grew approximately 13% to 14% during the 2005 financial year compared to financial year 2004 (Yahoo Finance). This has caused a growth in revenue of 8% from $36,835 million to $39, 788 million from monetary year 2004 to 2005 (U.S. SEC).This revenue growth was operate by growth in licensing of Windows Server operating systems and other server application, licensing of Windows Client operating systems through OEMs, and emergence licensing of Office and other Information Worker products (Yahoo Finance). The 2004 fiscal year ended with an overall growth of $4,648 billion from the forward fiscal year 2003, an add-on of over 12%. Over the past five years, Microsoft Corporation has generated revenue of over $162 billion. This is an add-on of 73% and about $75 billion of this is derived from net property flow from operations. Shareholders received a return of $69 billion of this revenue in dividends and shoot repurchases. With the launching of the Xbox 360, Windows Vista, and newer versions of existing software in 2006 fiscal year, Microsoft expects to have an gibe or largerincrease of the past five years in the next five years (Microsoft, 2006). realize incom e for the fiscal year 2005 was $12,254 which is an increase of $4,086 million from the 2004 fiscal year. This is due to small settles in operating expenses from the previous year with emphasis on research and development, a decrease of over $1.5 billion. Although decreasing in fiscal year 2005, a large limit in expenses occurred from fiscal year 2003 to 2004. Microsoft increased their total operating expenses by $5,159 million to $27,801 million in fiscal year 2004. Although decreasing expenses worked for the fiscal year 2005, decreases in research and development in the future might cause the industry to get the edge on Microsoft and revenues decrease (Microsoft, 2006).Operating income has also increased substantially during these two fiscal years with a total increase of 61%. Although it had a 5% decline from fiscal year 2003 to fiscal year 2004, operating income jumped from a marginal $9,034 million in 2004 to an excellent $14,561 million in fiscal year ending 2005 (U.S. SEC). According to Yahoo Finance, the operating income increase for fiscal year 2005 was goaded by a decline in stock-based compensation expense increased revenue in Server and Tools, Client, and Information Worker and a decline in legal costs associated with major litigation.Some key ratios will point out Microsofts position in accordance to the industry. memory a total debt to truth ratio of 0.00, compared to 0.03 of the industry, Microsoft has showed that they have successfully controlled their assets without any debt, dating back as far as fiscal year 1996. The total debt to total asset ratio also confirms these successes with a low 0.33. This has a great statistic from an investor or shareholders eyes because there is potential for a graduate(prenominal) payout. Microsoft has a current ratio of 2.8, compared to the industries modal(a) of 2.3.This shows us that Microsoft can pay off any debt that may occur, and can continue operating with immediate payment left over. The quick r atio is currently at 2.5 with an industry comely of 2.1. Because this number is so close in affinity with the current ratio, this tells us that Microsoft is not dependent on their inventory. These three financial ratios show us that Microsoft Corporationis achieving excellence in comparing to the industry (MSN, 2006). both(prenominal) the gross profit margin and the net profit margin percentages will show us the financial health of the company. Microsoft Corporations net profit margin is over 7% higher that the industries fair, at 30.8% compared to 23.5%. This tells us that 31.6% of the companys revenue can be kept as profit. Fiscal year 2005 is an increase of 8.6% from fiscal year 2004 and a small decrease of 0.2% from fiscal year 2003. Their gross profit margin is 87.3%, compared to 82.6% of the industries average. Although the industries average of these two ratios is healthy as well, Microsoft still holds separate percentages (MSN, 2006).The companys price ratios will show some different trends in comparison to the industry from the other ratios presented. Although the earnings per share (EPS) are currently much higher than the industry average and the previous year, it is lower than some of the direct competitors. The EPS in the fiscal year 2005 was 1.13, which is considerably higher than the industries average of 0.15. This is not a bad ratio if you own share in the company, but two of the closest competitors is producing a much higher rate Googles EPS is at 5.021 and IBMs is at 4.875.Although this might turn some investors away, verse have been improving over the past three years. Fiscal year 2003 had an EPS of only $0.70 but increased to $0.76 in fiscal year 2004. The large increase came in fiscal year 2005 when EPS increased almost $0.40 to $1.13. With the current innovations Microsoft has developed, these numbers will increase as investors see the future of Microsoft. Microsoft price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio is more attractive than EPS with a r atio of 22.9. Although conservative investors may tonicity this number is too high, this ratio is much better than the industry average of 27.3 which might influence these investors to invest in Microsoft instead of the direct competitors (MSN, 2006). watchfulness effectiveness ratios like return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) will show us how well the management at Microsoft Corporation is doing. With an ROA of 19.4%, over 5% higher than the industry average of 13.9%, Microsoft is very useful in relation to the total assets of thecompany. This is a substantial increase from 8.8% and 12.6% in fiscal year 2004 and 2003 respectively. The profit per dollar, or ROE of Microsoft, is 29.5%. This is close to 7% higher than the industry average of 22.6% and 18.6% than fiscal year 2004. This shows that Microsoft Corporation is achieving a higher profit from their investors per dollar in comparison to the industries. Although there was a large increase from fiscal year 2004 to 2 005, a decrease of 5.5% occurred between fiscal year 2003 and 2004 (MSN, 2006).The efficiency of the company is struggling in comparison to the industry in one way, inventory upset. The inventory turnover is currently much lower than the industries. With a low 8.1 compared to 28.4 of the industry average, Microsofts inventory turnover might indicate poor sales. Both Microsoft and the industry average of asset turnover are 0.6, indicating that 0.6 of every dollar is revenue. Microsoft is doing a better job than the industry in comparing the accounts receivable turnover, but not a significant amount. The accounts receivable turnover is at 5.7 with an industry average of 5.2. Both Microsoft and the industry are collecting payments from its customers in a apropos manner. They are, however, significantly behind S&P 500 which has an accounts receivable turnover ratio of 7.5 (MSN, 2006).A thorough research of cash flows will show the company heading in the right direction. Net operating, investing, and financial backing cash flows all increased from the fiscal year 2004 to 2005. Fiscal year 2005 showed an increase of 14% to $16.61 billion in cash flow from operations. This is derived from an increase in cash emolument from customers driven by the 8% revenue growth of the company. Cash payments decreased by approximately $1.8 billion from the previous year from binding legal settlements. These factors played the major role in the increase of operating cash flow. Keeping operating cash flows down was payments to the 7% increase in full-time employees added during the fiscal year 2005. This is a great recovery from fiscal year 2004 considering operating cash flow dropped by $1.17 billion from fiscal year 2003. Over two billion of this was from the sunlight Microsystems settlement and the European Commission fine.The small offsetting gain is from increases cash receiptsfrom customers. Net financing cash flow showed a large increase from $2.36 billion in fiscal year 2004 to $41.08 billion in fiscal year 2005. This increase is driven by an additional $34.38 billion of cash dividends paid, and an additional $4.67 billion in cash used for common stock repurchases in fiscal year 2005 from fiscal year 2004. Net financing cash flow did have a substantial decrease from fiscal year 2003 to 2004 of almost $3 billion.However, this decrease is due the company not repurchasing common stock in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2004 and an increase of $628 million from stock issuances of employee stock option exercises. An increase of $872 million in cash dividends during this fiscal year offset the numbers provided. Net investing cash flow for fiscal year 2005 was $15.03 billion, an increase of $18.37 billion from the previous year. Investment maturities that occurred to fund cash dividends paid increased by $23.59 billion in fiscal year 2005. Offsetting this figure was the decrease of $5.32 billion in cash from sale activity and investment purchases. Cash used for investing was $3.34 billion in fiscal year 2004, a decrease of $3.88 billion from fiscal year 2003 (Microsoft, 2006).Model AnalysisThe Boston Consulting root word Matrix is a representation of the status of Microsoft in the current market. There are four different categories that fall under the hyaloplasm, Stars, Cash Cows, gesture Marks and Dogs. The highest category and most self-efficient is the Stars with very high growth and high share. Next in the matrix Cash Cows, which are low in growth and high in shares. The third category in the matrix is the Question Marks which are high in growth and low in shares. Last are the Dogs which are very low in both growth and shares. Microsoft would be placed in the Stars category patently because the company is constantly growing and is very self-sustaining.Strategic Alternatives1. Develop a Microsoft version of open source software by exploiting Microsofts distinctive competency for developing software. This will giveMicrosoft an edge in the open market by allowing it to effectively compete with current alternatives to Microsoft products, such as Linux, Sun Systems, and other open source/free software products. This alternative will give Microsoft the opportunity to increase its revenues by offering support services and training for these products.2. Acquire Red Hat Inc. or other successful Linux provider. By combining the rising popularity of the open source concept with the ongoing success of Microsofts application software, the image of Microsoft will improve and launch the company into the increasingly popular open source market.3. change current product line. Increase research and development spending to improve the dependability and security of current products. Then, implement an advertising campaign through several mediums to stress the superior quality of Microsofts products.

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