
Sunday, March 3, 2019

Symbolism and Mrs. Mallard

In the short story The Story of an Hour the etymon is understandably stated. The theme is Mrs. m each(prenominal)ards desire to be independent. The theme is show through the story through characterization and irony. However, the theme is expressed the to the highest degree though umpteen interpreters of signism. For example a few examples of symbolism ar spring time, well-fixed armchair, and Mrs. Mallards warmth condition. The first example of symbolism that is found in The story of an hour is spring time. In the story it says she could see the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring invigoration (Chopin).This helps to symbolize Mrs. Mallard realizing that her life without Brently is like a new start. The symbol of spring time in like manner ties into the theme of the story. It helps to portray that Mrs. Mallard likes the panache her new life would look without Brentley. She also realizes that she would feel free and independent. The succeeding(a) exampl e of symbolism is found in the story is the comfortable armchair. later on Mrs. Mallard hears about the news that her husband had died she sat in a comfortable armchair(Chopin).This comfortable armchair symbolizes Mrs. Mallards feeling of become comfortable with her husbands death. This symbol also helps to support the theme because it also proves that Mrs. Mallard is become comfortable with the thought of independence and freedom. The last answer for of symbolism that is found in the story is Mrs. Mallards means condition. At the beginning of the story it is said Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with shopping center trouble( Chopin). In the story heart trouble symbolizes her stress and sadness in the marriage.This also relates to the theme of the story because it expresses that she wasnt happy with Brently and that would apologise why she felt that sense of freedom. In the end of the story Mrs. Mallard dies of overjoy. The reason she died of overjoy was simply the thought of living her life free and independent. In conclusion the short story The story of an Hour. Symbolism is used all throughout the story in order for the author to express the theme of the story. Without the use of these examples of symbolism the theme would not be so boldy expressed.Spring time, heart condition, and the comfortable chair are just a few of the many examples of symbolism that is used to express the theme of The Story Of an Hour working Cited The Story of an Hour Theme. 123HelpMe. com. 18 Feb 2013 . Symbolism in The Story of an Hour. 123HelpMe. com. 18 Feb 2013 . Arp, Thomas R. and Greg Johnson. Perrines Literature Structure, Sound and Sense. 10th Edition. Boston Wadsworth Publishing, 2008. Print.

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