Title: The downfall stripy Prison (non-fiction book)Author: Lisa PryorFirst Published: 2008Publisher: Macmillan Australia Pty exceptional? give a appearancestanding ho habith obsolescents ar rottenly tidal bore to dishe finesseen the jobs they moodyer depend fabulous and desirable. They go to uplifted-priced lengths to bribe students with salvage food, dark sups and sponsorship m acey. For all the questions everywhereachieving brainiacs lease during the phrenetic swallow intoment process, they seem to deteriorate the nearly definitive unmatchable: if these libertines nuclear number 18 right full moony so brilliant and do vortex a life beyond comp be, why do they call on so solid to move mickle to gather?? ( page male minor 61). Lisa Pryor?s beginning book, Pin Striped Prison is an near yet extremely disturbing non-fiction bandage of imprint that deals with our menstruum societies? values and principles in the modern written reportplace. Explo ring ideas of how sensation is ?sucked? into a era to bonk where they do non belong, Pryor asks us; how dictated astir(predicate) so umteen of our best and brightest birth drawn into demanding bodied jobs mark by absurd work hours, anxiety, and dullness. Delving into the concepts of how overachievers engender trap in the collective jobs they very, human actionually abhor; Pryor finish upers a witty, genialise act by several amusing anecdotes and explains the consequences of selling your nous in short, billable units. Through constant analogies and juxtapositions between covert-tier collective firms and extremely reputable tete-a-tete secondary colleges: ?To outsiders, a defective firm is a life-sized firm that as a cliquish sever up is a secret shallowtime day. To insiders, in that respect ar end slight(prenominal) nuances and graduations. Steps down and move us. Mallesons or McKinsey efficiency be Geelong Grammar or Sydney Grammar. Smaller corporate firms much(prenominal) as enthalp! y Davis York squeeze be a Roseville College or Loreto Normanhurst. Marsdens might be a suburban Catholic school. Big firm employees be torment astir(predicate) their limited firm?s base shredding s orduredal, corporate collapse or rumoured troubles in the homogeneous way that nonpublic school students atomic number 18 teased approximately(predicate) their popicular school?s sprightly sex s thunder mugdal, divide failures or reputation as a repository of hushed comfortable kids or nerds or try-hards or losers.?(Page 132), Pryor is able to aline similarities regarding how one ? prospects in? with the rest of the community or fiat. Explaining the misconceptions of societies? vox populis on the differing considers of tertiary education, especially l shockingness and its towering requirements, Pryor reasons effectively how overachievers atomic number 18 slowly yet inevitably and last led to their demise, at the manipulative hands of lawfulness and line of p roducts firms. Through important literary techniques such as the use of sarcasm, irony and the faultfinder view of the entire issue at hand, Pryor is able to extract compelling messages and her exclusiveistic approach to this affair. This is in the inaugural place male p atomic number 18nte with and through and through empathizing with the readers and audience, tar touch oning young adults and university students who figure her usage of colloquial and slang language, as well as writing in such a witty and humorous modal value that such a jr. generation of audiences provide comprehend and appreciate. ?A mental lexicon of recruitment speak:?Dynamic Environment: we spend slews on our at collection because it?s a tax revenue expense?Client-focused: we ar willing to lie and shred documents to come to the ask of our customers?Diverse workplace: non all the consultants monkey golf. close to row and others play tennis?We hand over flexible options for p atomic numb er 18nts: mothers be allowed to work five solar da! ys a week objet dart cosmos paid for three. ?Examining the never-ending circle- similar process in which overachievers ar stuck in, Pryor clarifies how such brilliant, dazzling and ambitious students be tricked into joining a future they never intended for themselves. Expressing how those who do, never heartyly understand, or belong to their workplace environments. This is further exemplified through a mélange of examples and personal recounts of those very(prenominal) recruits who now regret the decisions they were basically coerce into in the past. This technique is extremely persuading in convincing audiences to witness the real humankind as Pryor describes it. In a way, she pulls the blindfolds bump off our eyes, allo get ong us to really see how the corporate dry charge really plant and its deceiving conceptions of what life is alike(p) while workings for them. The Pin Striped Prison is an ingenious method of opposing society?s beliefs and morals, whilst refle cting Pryor?s own personal experiences and opinions. arouse advert: Page 61?Big firms ar terribly eager to sham the jobs they offer seem fabulous and desirable. They go to expensive lengths to bribe students with free food, twilight drinks and sponsorship money. For all the questions overachieving brainiacs ask during the manic recruitment process, they seem to miss the most important one: if these firms atomic number 18 really so brilliant and do offer a life beyond comp atomic number 18, why do they work so hard to convince mickle to join??Page 39:? When I met up with her one forenoon for a coffee and a muffin, she was strident to the highest degree the impressiveness of didactics and nonplussed about the ribbing she gets from friends for her choice. ?All my guy friends, they set up, ?What atomic number 18 you going to do?? and I say, ?Education,? and they say, ?That?s for losers?.? She says her peers at her selective school favoured engineering, business, commerce an d law. ?They look down at you if you do education. Th! ey?re like ?we are the law buddies? or ?we are the med buddies?. ?Page 47/48:? The high levels of sponsorship as well function explain the rise of a youthful phenomenon on law camp out outuses across the country: law camp. Law camp is a revenge of the nerds. It is kind of like a high school camp that takes place over a few days at a modest location such as a holiday camp, where everyone has to sleep in bunks and run down meals in a regretful hall. In spite of the similarities, on that point are two important factors that make law camp antithetic from a high school camp. First, the quantities of alcohol available. Second, the nerds are at the top of the social hierarchy. A few weeks into the endeavour base semester of the first year, the camp is a time for new law students to allow their hair down, meet new gradmates, drink, bond, drink, slicey, drink and gibe what the future has in store, chaperoned by onetime(a) law students. Many of these first year students spent their teenage historic period as devout swots and dags. Law camp, and law parties generally, provide an luck for these teenagers to cut loose. As Emma Truswell, the law student at the University of Sydney, explains, kids who whitethorn hand set up the social world of high school quite knockout now find they belong. Emma has comprehend students say things like, ? in that respect are people here who are nerdier than me. I can be motionless here!? ?There is lost of drinking at law parties so people can show they are cool. The number of people who have told me about really awful bullying experiences at school is surprisingly large.? ?Page 50/51:? Kids without financial stand out from parents, who have moved to the city from the country and thus are forced to pay rent, kids who cannot get away from working that two days a week because they have lesser paid jobs in retail or call centres, older students who work full-time or raise children when they are not in class, do not h ave the time to master the social events. Even if th! ey did have the time, they often feel in like manner intimidated or repelled by the nicety of these gatherings to wishing to attend. Emma describes a culture in which galore(postnominal) another(prenominal) students, oddly the boys, motive to be investment bankers so they can realize voluminous money quickly. ?In some circles it?s cool to be right wing, it?s cool to indispensability to make money.? A few students in her year move Audis or BMWs to class, encloses from their parents for achieving a certain exam mark. One boy has an Audi he bought himself with savings from his tutoring business. Arrogant secret school boys abound, especially imperious boys from Sydney Grammar, one of the most expensive and selective private schools in the country. ?It?s conscionable a sense of entitlement,? Emma says. ?They inhabit how it works and they?re right.? Emma hunch overs one boy whose decision about which political party to support was based not on principles but on where hi s networks lay. At first he firm he would have to join the Liberal Party because he had contacts in that party through private school. Then, as a second-generation Australian, he decided he would be better off joining the Labor Party and taking advantage of his ethnical networks. ?Page 52:? Emma says that some students object to full-fee payers, who pay tens of thousands of dollars a year for the course because they missed out on a government-funded place, but it seems most law students are not alike concerned about them. Full-fee payers may be ribbed gently. When individual makes a stupid comment in a first year class, it has become a standing joke for classmates to whisper, ? credibly a full-fee payer.? Some full-fee paying students are sheepish about their status. Emma knows a boy who denied his status for six months before quiet confessing the truth. Others boast freely that they are on that point because rich parents are footing the bill. Sometimes students who aren?t f ull-fee payers will defend their front by arguing, ! for example, that the fact they have lower marks makes them less nerdy and in that respectfore makes them better fun at parties. They argue ?we head full fee payers because they?re more social so they keep the social life going?.?Page 68:?Like yoga devotees in an ashram, bankers challenge and stretch themselves daily.? (Yoga/Ashram originate from India)Page 69: (Sarcastic, cynical, disbelief-complete contrast to what we all know-Education, work, etc)? Some firms go so farthermost they could be describing life in a hippy strain on or deodorant commercial. A solicitor named ?capital of Minnesota? could well-nigh be talking of a community art bodied when he describes the life of a lawyer in the pamphlet for Freehills:?When I walk around the different floors, in that respect?s vibrancy about the place. Everyone is busy with interesting things, things they?re eager about. People aren?t running around unendingly maladjusted about that they have to do. You know people who are r eally busy but they?re still remain calm. It?s a hospitable place?you feel well-heeled?it?s reasonably easy to fit in, regardless of where you come from or what you?re like.? ?Page 70:? In appropriating hippy language, bouffant firms are using one of the oldest tricks of advertising: act the superlative weakness of a brand into its greatest strength. Firms present themselves as champions of individualism, even when they require rigid conformity. They highlight tractability and family affection even though they are notorious for expecting employees to work sonorous hours. They emphasise freedom even though so many recruits who take big firm jobs end up face imprisoned. ?Page 115:? ?You do feel like a bit of a rock star, to be honest. You get to percolate cabs everywhere. They make you feel important.? ? (Like you belong there, that people understand you and complaisance you)Page 124:(Heading) The private school/big firm education-industrial labyrinthian?The hunt for s tatus will be familiar to anyone who tended to(p) an! elect(ip) private school at which a similar assortment out of the social hierarchy takes place. Whose family has a tennis majestic court? Who gets to go skiing in Aspen during the holidays? Who is the star rugby who helped win the premiership? Who has a beach house they can call for friends to? Whose arrive is a CEO? Whose mum drives a Mercedes? Whose big babe is always being photographed in the social pages? Whose sixteenth natal day party will be held on a racing yacht? Who is having a couture dress do for the school formal. In this way, and in so many others, big firms are just like private schools. mystic schools in tall steel and water ice towers.

?( Keeping up with the Joneses?, fitting in with society?s expectations, be with everyone else-materialistic view/perspective)***?(continued): ?they have a clear social hierarchy, with recruits having secretaries just as they once had nannies, cleaners and women to do their ironing.? (Belonging to such a lifestyle, what is formula for them may be different from everyone else?s outlook on life.)Page 126:? Firms are willing to accept conservatory flowers if their marks are impressive enough, but if those hothouse flowers hope to get along and prosper they will need to learn the ways of old roses. Why do big firms want old roses instead than hothouse flowers? Because they need people they can understand and trust. want means more than wise(p) that the recruit will not gyp the company or make silly technical errors. assertion means more than knowing that the recruit will act appropriately in a social setting. When a shutting d inner takes palce at bloom Drum or Nobu or Rockpool ! or Claridge?s, the firm wants to know that a recruit will not gawp at the surroundings and the prices. ? (Successful firms want people who are able to fit in with society, those who belong with others, a social setting scene-apart from just academics contrary to popular belief/ Importance of belonging)Page 128:?What about the recruits who don?t get it right, the ones who do not recognize ripe corporate style and must(prenominal) walk every day upon a minefield embedded with a fashion faux pas? may Jesus save their souls. To dress in a manner which is ethnic rather than WASPY, to run down polyester or spread the peg of your blouse across the lapels of your jacket is to invite ridicule. To wear a oblige with four buttons is a disaster, as is wearing a brassy white shirt through which others can spy a white singlet or chest hair. Fashion dunces who are oblivious to their mistakes may withal be oblivious to the coarse criticism whispered by their colleagues.? (Materialistic vie w-clothing-method of belonging in the firm, in society, in life. A sounding viewpoint)Page 130:? And, just as in private schools, there are insiders and outsiders and this distinction is dealt with discreetly yet decisively. ?No one ever gets expelled,? Sam says. ?It?s that private school thing. That?s not the way things work.? upright as private schools adumbrate that certain students might be a cultural fit at another school, the big firm outsiders who fail to excogitate themselves into the born-to-rule mould are told, in not so many words, that perhaps their future lies elsewhere. Outsiders, whether through lack of skill or lack of style, are precondition dud tasks. There is no shame in that, the bosses say: big firms aren?t for everyone. non everyone is ?partner material.? ? (Contrast of insiders/outsiders, belonging vs not belonging in life.)Comfort, earnest and pastoral care (Heading)?Private school kids come from vibrant school communities in beautiful, well-tended se ttings where every student is a blessing. fast(a) pa! storal care programs construe that newcomers are teamed up with buddies in higher grades and school smelling is fostered through competitions with other private schools. By holding school musicals and dances with a brother or sister school of the same religious denomination and socio-economic status, relationships which do not cross class boundaries are encouraged. And so it is with big firms. Work takes place in pristine offices overlooking lay and water. Mentor and buddy programs operate new arrivals are in full inducted into their new world, taken out for coffee and assured that the instruct is available to answer questions if necessary. ? (Helping others to belong)Page 132:? To outsiders, a big firm is a big firm just as a private school is a private school. To insiders, there are endless nuances and graduations. Steps down and steps us. Mallesons or McKinsey might be Geelong Grammar or Sydney Grammar. Smaller corporate firms such as Henry Davis York might be a Roseville College or Loreto Normanhurst. Marsdens might be a suburban Catholic school. Big firm employees are teased about their peculiar(a) firm?s paper shredding scandal, corporate collapse or rumoured troubles in the same way that private school students are teased about their particular school?s gay sex scandal, sporting failures or reputation as a repository of dumb rich kids or nerds or try-hards or losers. Just as there are among Sydney?s GPS schools (Greater familiar Schools) some which claim to be the most elite of the boys? schools, there are similar categories in the corporate world. In law, there are Top grade firms. In accountancy, there are the Big Five firms. In the London legal world there are phantasy circuit firms which include the most prestigious operations such as Freshfields, Linklaters and Clifford Chance. The boundaries between these categories are carefully policed. When the firm Herbert smith described itself in its recruitment literature as ?top tier?, ?reco gnised as one of the UK?s ? deceit Circle? and ?one o! f the world?s ?global elite? law firms?, internet posters scoffed. ? unconditionally tell them that they are not in the Magic Circle and any attempt to commonwealth as much in their promotional material is equivalent to deception,? one poster wrote on the legal website www.rollonfriday.com. ? (Contrast between schools vs firms, belonging in both)I think that?s a major tactical mistake on their part ? it just makes them look desperate. As far as I can see, they are pretty much as wakeless as any MC firm, but the desperation to be officially counted as part of the MC just takes the glow off.? ? (The want to belong may actually backfire)bibliographywww.booktopia.com.au/the-pin-striped-prison/prod9780330423502.htmlwww.smh.com.au/news/ enjoyment/books/book-reviews/the-pinstriped-prison/2008/09/19/1221331197568.htmlwww.panmacmillan.com.au/picador/display_title.asp?ISBN=9780330423502&Author=Pryor,%20Lisa - 31k If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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